At Appleby Mall, we’ve been using Xero for several years. This has not only helped our business but has also assisted our clients with their accounts. As Xero Accountants, we love and trust Xero and agree that it is a very easy to use accounting software system.
With Xero, we can access your data at any time and likewise, so can you!
Xero Is In The Cloud?
The cloud enables the data to available in any place at any time. Further, it is the same data as it is all updated in the cloud, hence you are no longer reliant on your hard drive. Further, security is no longer an issue as this is managed by the host company – as the data is stored in the cloud, even if your computer was stolen, your data would be safe.
The cloud enables you to run your business from any device whether this is your Mac, PC, Tablet or phone.
Traditional Accounting Software
Traditional software may not be up to date, it may also be stored on a local machine hence security and reliability could be an issue. Further, it can be costly to make backups and you would need a system in place to manage these backups.
Other Features of Xero
Here is short list of some of the features of the Xero Accounting System:
• Instant online payment from customers.
• Ability to create online invoices.
• Bulk send invoices to all customers.
• See when customers have opened your invoice!
• Add inventory items with ease.
• Apply credit notes.
• View a snapshot of debtors.
We have an in house team of accountants that specialises in Xero. Our Xero Accountants use the software everyday and are very good at what they do. There’s so much more that you can do with Xero. If you have any questions about using Xero, please do get in touch and one of our Xero Accountant’s will be more than happy to help.
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