
You might notice that we look a little different lately.  That’s because we’ve had a new logo and a brand spanking new website!

Our old branding and website just didn’t cut it anymore.  It didn’t allow us to stand out from the crowd.  And we should stand out from the crowd.  We are different to all the rest.  Not only are we first class Chartered Accountants, our team is warm, friendly and our clients love them for it.  Our old branding didn’t portray our biggest asset – our much loved team.

We pride ourselves on advising our clients with ways to improve and grow their business.  We quickly realised that we should be practicing what we preach!

We are so proud of our new look and couldn’t wait to show it off.

Lekh Mall, Managing Director of Appleby Mall explains; “One of our key philosophies here is ‘real people for real people’.  Our team work hard to ensure our clients needs are met in a professional yet friendly manner.  If you need help we’re there.  And that’s so important.  On top of that, we don’t hide behind suits and ties.  We are open, honest and love nothing more than becoming a big part of our client’s team.”

He goes on to say; “our old website didn’t reflect our business in the way we wanted it to.  We decided to go through a complete re-branding period to reflect our business personality in the way it should.  As we are Cloud Based accountants, our clients are able to access their accounts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.  This is a major benefit to our clients and we wanted to ensure this is communicated effectively.  We hope you like our new look as much as we do.”

Not only does Appleby Mall have a new website, there are changes back in HQ too.  The office has been re-decorated to ensure the team can work in an environment that harnesses our brand values.  This includes shiny new furniture – such as desks, chairs and even new doors!  The work has now been completed – we are very excited and hope you’ll pop by to take a look!

We’d love to hear what you think of our new look.  Please email us/comment below

If you’d like to pop by to meet the team, have a coffee and a chat about how we can help your business save time and money, get in touch.

Phone Kanta: 01902 42 2020
eMail Kanta

© 2020 Appleby Mall Limited, trading as Appleby Mall Chartered Certified Accountants, company number 04716987.

86 Tettenhall Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV1 4TF.

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